Report on the Procurement Steering Workshop

The Procurement Workshop was held 9th May and was attended by 29 residents. We have been sent the following report by James Caspell, Neighbourhood Director of the W11 team. The documents are below:

Dear all,


Thanks again to 29 residents who were able to attend the Procurement Steering Workshop on 9th May 2019.  Together, we explored a number of issues, agreed a clear way forward, and generated some fantastic ideas about how we can provide residents with the assurances and oversight you are looking for throughout the procurement process.


Attached is 1) Summary report, 2) Workshop slides, and 3) Workshop exercise results on slides - which capture the issues discussed and raised, and how we will take these forwards. 


We will publish these documents online, however please feel free to forwards to residents in your block if you think this would be helpful.


We will now work with the four project areas of the estate in the weeks ahead to develop a local programme based on the existing budget.  We will of course be in touch with a range of suppliers and engagement opportunities to ensure we maximise choice and engagement for each type of supplier, particularly for those who will be undertaking health and safety works, and also undertaking works in your homes and blocks.


n.b. In relation to the  concerns raised at the beginning of the workshop concerning soil and air quality, we are developing a short document which will set out which public agencies are leading on the various issues affecting the estate, from repairs and refurbishment, to soil and air testing, and the removal of the bagged material from under the Walkways.  Iā€™m pleased to confirm that the removal of the bagged material is now complete.  The LWRA will be inspecting the garages to confirm this.  RBKC will put in place a written agreement with the government that no further debris from Grenfell Tower will be stored underneath residential properties moving forwards.


Kind regards,


1) Summary report

2) Workshop Slides

3) Workshop exercise results on slides